
The digital marketing experts at Opus Communication believe in the power of digital! We recommend clients to opt for it because of its cost-effective and extensive reach. Having said that it is really important to utilize this mode of marketing correctly.

There is a wide variety of digital marketing tools such as smart phones, tablets, laptops, game consoles, televisions, digital billboards, and media such as social media, SEO (Search Engine Optimization), videos, content, email and lots more. Let’s have a look at digital media marketing trends of the year 2014!

Location Based Marketing

If there’s one dominating trend to pinpoint in 2014, it’s definitely location-based marketing.  With this kind of marketing GPS technology is utilized to deliver multimedia content tailored to the geographical location straight to the potential customer’s mobile device. This helps to cater more specifically to users’ needs, and both marketers and consumers are expecting more of this in 2014. Already there are social apps including, Path, and Foursquare that provide vital consumer data. 91 percent of adult mobile phone owners have their devices within arm’s reach 24/7 and location-based marketing could exploit this massively.

Social Media Diversification

Social media is no more only about Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and LinkedIn. Though these are the most popular, networks such as Pinterest, Google+, and Instagram are on the surge too. While 93 percent of marketers have claimed that social media is an integral part of their marketing in 2013, the number of visitors to these social networks will increase further next year.

Paid advertising will also increase, particularly on Twitter, Pinterest, and LinkedIn. Social signals have proved to be important for search rankings and building reputation, so it’s only a matter of time before businesses think of not only Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, and Google+ but also Instagram, Pinterest and smaller networks such as these that are each carving a unique niche for themselves.

Content Curation

There are many content discovery apps available including Flipboard, Pulse, Foodspotting, and Fancy that help users to tweak the feeds by merchants and businesses according to their interests. Data is filtered and customized and then the information is delivered onto the platforms which are then curate by users according to their needs. This is set to become another important trend in 2014 and provide potential customers with greater engagement with the business.

More Video Marketing

Videos can convey a message ten times more powerfully than text content, though persuasive content is in a much higher league. Video marketing is already popular but it will get more so in 2014. Vine is a service that allows marketers six seconds of time within which they need to market their product through a video. Vine is set to grow massively in popularity among marketers next year. You’ve got YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter to capitalize on and Instagram and Snapchat also have video options in their app. Videos are also increasingly being watched on mobile devices and that’s a potent competition, able to instantly alter user behavior.

I hope you guys will utilize this information for the marketing of their business endeavors, because if you will not your competitor will!