Hi there social media enthusiasts! It is that time of the week when Opus Communication will update you about recent trends in the vast field of Social media! You guys would have to agree that social media is more than a digital water cooler for TV and movies today. The global conversation that takes place around events and the experiences people share based on what they watch teaches us about consumer preferences. More importantly, their activity influences behavior. Behavior counts for everything.

Hours Spent Each Week Doing Online Activities

Social networking and listening to music top the activities for Generation-C and each is greater than the time spent watching full-length movies or television shows on a weekly basis.

8 Hours: Visiting social networking sites.
8 Hours: Listening to music
7 Hours: Watching full-length television shows.
4 Hours: Watching full-length movies.
4 Hours: Watching video clips (e.g. YouTube)
4 Hours: Instant messaging

Isn’t that too much for a regular day? After all human beings need human interaction, outdoor activities and so much more! What is your take on this?