• April 1, 2014
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While Pakistan’s Fashion e-commerce websites are using standard SEO practices. Our content and SEO experts at Opus a Digital Marketing Agency in Pakistan have come up with some essential tactics for fashion sites which can take them a step ahead of their competitors.

Site Structure of Fashion E-Commerce

Site Content Structure & Architecture not only impacts your visitor’s browsing experience, it also impacts on SEO. Categorizing your collections as well as product types is a good idea. Websites which manage to fit a lot into its navigation system without it looking too congested are an example of this. These types of navigation helps highlight keywords related to trends without ignoring more generic categories a website has.


Fashion E-Commerce Websites with Internal Search Functionality

The search function integrated into the fashion websites is a must, but it should also work accurately so that potential customers can narrow down results required when looking for particular garment style or accessory.

Automated XML Sitemap functionality is a must for Content Management System. Without an automated XML Sitemap, each time your website webmaster adds a product or a product is out of stock, the webmaster will have to create a new XML sitemap. Also make sure URLs do not index, over duplicate page URLs with products ordered differently.

Fashion e-commerce websites and out of stock products

The quickest way to frustrate potential customers is redirecting them to another page, especially if they landed there after clicking an external link (Facebook Ads, Google Ads etc.) while looking for a certain product.

When a product is out of stock, first thing the webmaster should do is remove it from category pages and remove links to it. Change the product page content, letting the potential customer know it is out of stock and when it will be in stock. Try suggesting similar relevant products and add a category page which links the user to stay on the website.

Category Page Content

Lack of content on fashion e-commerce websites is a Big NO. When you are a large authority brand, standard optimization for Google will work well, but this approach is not work for start-up or new fashion e-commerce sites. For small business, category pages need 300 words of content or more.

Keyword Research for Fashion E-Commerce

Fashion e-commerce websites should use standard research principles. Many make the mistake, however, of trying to ‘shoe spoon’ or stuff their product pages with generic keywords (e.g. “Floral Print Lawn”). Typical visitors search by the product names they saw while browsing the internet or social media. They might also use search terms from online or print advertisements. Either way, using generic keywords is not good SEO practice.

Always keep keyword targeting product pages simply by using the product name instead of generic keywords. Using  Meta Title which include a product name and does not use generic keywords is our TIP as Digital Consultants.

<meta property="og:title" content="Product Name"/>

Product Page Meta for Fashion Websites

It is a universal idea for every site page to have unique Meta, but the product pages on many fashion e-commerce sites repeat the Meta. The Content Management Systems’ system at the backend automatically adds Meta is the answer to it. So write manually update Unique Meta descriptions and titles to ensure products stand out in search results. The clicks you receive will then carry more weight and, most importantly, lead to more sales.

If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact us. We give free advices to our readers!