
Opus Communication believes that B2B Marketing is an emerging concept that is now integrating with various social plug-INS to strengthen its roots in this dynamic marketing environment. The need for B2B to shift aggressively towards Social media can be reasoned as follows.

B2B marketers have conventionally worked out sturdy amount of papers and encouragement inventiveness to build associations with prediction. But a new research by IDG Connect — shows that IT buyers will soon look to social media as the sole most vital content resource to notify them to guide their purchasing decisions.


When it comes to the editorial or perspective oriented content and resource created content, social media is the slightest grave source of information for the IT buyers. But in the past two years the buyers are expecting this trend to switch as the importance given to social media and its insights has risen by 6% for swaying venture verdicts.

Social media is no longer just limited to a lay man; it has furthered its roots to all the branches of a business of a society. Social media is not just now regarded as a meeting old friends or making new connections it is now seen as a central e-hub where people whole lot other stuff. And a recent research has determined that almost 90% of the people now use social media when it comes to making purchasing decisions. As a recent shift towards e-commerce business social media has experienced a new use to its platform and this platform now is used by many corporate, socials and normal person. Bob Johnson a principal analyst and VP of IDG Connect said that “Social media is now seen as a boulevard to gather peer looming increasing the dependency on the social media.

Social media is a platform that is now gaining its strength from various places and is becoming an essential marketing tool for every and any type of business, so the corporate that have not yet integrated social media in their strategy its high time that they should and go neck to neck with this aggressive competitive world.