
Zynga the largest Facebook Game apps developers are now out with their 3rd annual “Words With Friends Valentine’s Day” survey, and shared a handful of entertaining statistics concerning the likes & dislikes – of above than 11,300 players in their database.

By dedicating Valentine’s theme to the 3rd annual survey it showcases “players’ passion for word rivalry, penchant for smooth talkers, and prefer to expressing their love,” according to a press release that recently reached Mashable’s inbox. Out of the 11,317 respondents, 63% noted that they “thrive on competition with their partner,” and almost one-third admitted to throwing a match on purpose when playing a game of Words With Friends against a loved one, according to the survey.

Its even more strange when one out of every 54 respondents admit to having been dated a player they met using Words With Friends’ random match feature. Zynga explains that this has resulted in players flying around the world, walking down the aisle, and also discovering that the anonymous opponent was no other than their spouse.

The official press release adds: “Players confess that playing words such as ‘thrust,’ ‘aroused,’ ‘throb,’ and ‘loins’ leads to awkward moments with their opponent although that doesn’t stop them from playing these words nearly 9,000 times each day.”

Source: Mashable